Gum & Ambrose Kenny-Smith
"Minor Setback"
Created with over 1,600 painted 35mm frames and 3D animation
Jupie- Sandbox
Created in Blender
Gum - Ancients
Created in Blender
Yellow Days and Ric Wilson-
Life's Been Good To Me
Created in Blender
Pipe- Eye - Ancient 5G Aliens
Created in Blender
Reagan Cats- See It All
Greenscreen loops with animated scenes in blender. Datamoshed scenes in after effects.
Skyrocket- The Murlocs
Stop motion animation, over 400 traditional animation frames, Digitally drawn animation, and VHS Recordings by Ambrose.
Pipe-Eye- Cosmic Blip (Reprise)
After effects, Blender environment, and 192 frames of paper animation- all looped
15 minute ambient track, traveling through space and time over and over and over and over.....
Montero- Together Like Glue
Super 8 film and digital animations
2 friends on the run from a detective unleash their hidden power to win him over.
Montero- Beyond the Tree
16mm film and digital animations
Isolated on a beach, a man gets trapped in a digital world inside his phone with constant reminders of his past love life.
Divino Niño - Flamingo
A short look into a sad flamingo's quest for happiness- animated on hand drawn digital frames and 190 frames of paper
Montero- Aloha
Animated on 1,773 individual paper frames
Paul Cherry- Changing Times
A look into the channel 69 Action news team's everyday life.
Shot on 16mm film, a mixture of stop motion and live action.
Paul Cherry- Your Letter
Animated with Plasticine clay, paper, bass wood, 35 mm film, and digital frames
Lounge FM- Drugzzz
digital and film animations- a look into an orange friends life in space and far far beyond
Modern Nomad- If I Knew
A combination of aerial footage, super 8 film shot in st Petersburg, and rotoscope animations
Modern Nomad- The Day
Fully animated on 1,039 individual frames of 35mm
Reagan Cats- Whats on Her Mind
Shot on Super 8 Film
Animations done on 35mm
Racer- Thunder Club
Scratched emulsion of
16mm film + cell by cell drawing
additional animations done on 120mm film